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Belvedere Black Raspberry 70Cl PROMO

179 AED
Belvedere Black Raspberry 70Cl

Belvedere Black Raspberry uses only the finest hand-harvested, plump and flavourful raspberries from the Podlasie area of northeast Poland. Great in cocktails. A delicious Polish vodka, this is made with Raspberries and Blackcurrants and a hint of rose petals. They make Belvedere Black Raspberry by taking flavours from the peels, the juice and the flowers. Flavour: Vanilla and cream. Taste: Complex and round. Flavors of sweet vanilla, white pepper and spices.

  • CountryPOLAND
  • Food PairingCOCKTAILS
  • Type of BeverageSPIRITS, VODKA
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